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时间:2022-09-16 00:02:12 作者:学习啦 字数:3168字


April 16


四月十六───April 16


Passengers look out from the Windows of Krakow airport, Poland, Friday, April 16.───星期五(4月16日),乘客从波兰克拉科夫机场候机楼的窗户往外看。

Final results are not expected until April 16.───最终的结果会在4月16日才出炉。

Zhai was arrested on April 16 and was kept in jail until he left the us on August 9.───4月16日被捕一直到8月9日离开美国,翟田田都是在美国的监狱中度过的。

He said the fund doesn't rule out investing in domestic stock-index futures, which China plans to launch April 16.───并表示,不排除投资国内股指期货的可能性。中国的股指期货交易计划在4月16日正式启动。

It was the Dow's fourth triple-digit move in five days and brings its declines since its April peak to more than 16%.───这是道指五天内第四次出现三位数点数波动,较4月创下的高点累计跌了16%以上。

On April 16th the Golden State's most notorious tent city was at last closed, and its inhabitants moved to rather more salubrious shelters.───4月16日,金州最臭名远扬的帐篷城市最终关闭,所有的居民搬到更健康的地方。


Showcase 2000, opens April 16 to May 14, 9: 30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Her last original column ran on April 16 and was about Betty Crocker.

Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London.

Mercury just passed superior conjunction on April 16, but in the days to come it will bolt out to become easily visible low in the west-northwest at dusk.

Since the trial began April 16, jurors have heard an average of less than three days of testimony per week.