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时间:2022-09-16 00:04:00 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2598字


Monthly bank


月库───Monthly bank


Then the activities on a and b's monthly bank statement won't be consistent with their account balances.───那么账户a和账户b的每月银行结账单将与它们账户的余额不一致。

prepare the monthly bank reconciliation statements, supervise capital flow.───制定银行调节表,监督资金流向。

Inviter's payrolls and monthly bank statement in six months (Original).───邀请人的近六个月的工资单和银行往来帐原件。

Prepare weekly cash position report and monthly bank reconciliation for management review.───制作周现金流报告和月银行往来对帐报告供管理层参考。

Responsible for monthly bank reconciliation .───负责每月编制银行账目调节表。

Be clear with balance in banks. Keep the check available. Finish monthly bank reconciliations.───掌握银行存款余额,不签发空头支票,每月编制银行余额调节表。


Prepare weekly cash position report and monthly bank reconciliation for management review.

All transactions appear on a monthly bank statement.