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时间:2022-09-16 04:00:24 作者:星火作文 字数:2489字


Lie down


过去式───past tense;躺───lie


The simple past tense is used to describe something happened some period of time ago.───一般过去时用于描述发生在过去的事.

There are records of aphasias that interfere with the use of the past tense.───有许多受过去时态困扰的失语症病人记录.

Write the following sentence in the simple past tense, past progressive tense and future tense.───请将下面的句子改写成一般过去时, 过去进行时和一般将来时.

Who knows Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb?───谁晓得一般已往时和这个静词的功往总词?

In narrative, the reporting verb is in the past tense.───在叙述过程中, 间接引语的动词通常用过去式.

" Caught " is an irregular past tense form.───caught是不规则过去时动词.

B : Was. Past tense. Former life.───以前是. 过去式了. 以前的生活是这样.

Who can give the past tense form and past participle form of this verb?───谁能说出这个词的过去时和过去分词形式?
