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时间:2022-09-16 04:03:01 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2511字


Play and play


玩玩耍───Play and play


If you do that against a team like the Lakers, who are really ready to play and play desperate, you're going to lose.───如果当你面对的是像湖人这样一只准备好了一切并且不顾一切去战斗的球队时,你当然会输。

Learn while you play and play while you learn.───玩中学,在学中玩。

a choice about which game you want to play and play it.───选择并开始一个游戏。

If you do that against a team like the Lakers, who are really ready to play and play desperate, you're going to lose.───而如果当你面对的是像湖人这样一只准备好了一切并且不顾一切去战斗的球队时,你当然会输。

You have to go play and play well, even if you know how they play.───就算是你了解他们的打法,也必须要去拼,而且要打好。

Clinical pharmacists can bring their specialty into full play and play a key role in promoting ra. . .───临床药师可充分发挥专业特长,在促进抗菌药物合理应用、提升医院单病种治疗竞争力方面发挥积极作用。
