Soft Lure
软诱───Soft Lure
The company is a professional manufactory, designs and produces all kinds of lead lures, such as: lead lure, jig, soft lure ….───公司主要产品包括各种规格的铅鱼、铅坠、铅皮、铅头钩、亮片、仿生饵、路亚饵、软鱼、软虫、青蛙等软、硬垂钓假饵。
kinds of lure is made by pure hand with double colors, the body of the lure is soft and comfortable.───纯手工打造,双色,软体鱼饵,颜色和软硬度可以根据您的不同需要稍作更改。
Russians were driven by the lure of "soft gold" : the skins of beavers, Arctic foxes and above all sable.───河狸、北极狐,特别是黑貂的皮毛被称作“软黄金”,俄罗斯人在其诱惑下纷至沓来。
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