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时间:2022-09-16 16:01:06 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2890字


Wen Xiang


文襄───Wen Xiang


was Zuo Feiyo's voice!───文祥一惊,是左非右的声音!

When he thought of this, Wen Xiang blushed and was unable to utter a word.───想到这里,文祥脸红耳热,窘得说不出话来。

Wen Xiang groggily asked, Where am I?───文祥怔怔地问:“这是哪里?”

Wen Xiang opened his eyes and looked. To his surprise, 3 beautiful young Miao girls were standing around him, looking at him with a smile.───文祥睁眼一看,竟然有三位如花似玉的苗族姑娘围在他身边,望著他直笑。

Before Wen Xiang could finish, a streak of firelight suddenly struck at him from the darkness ahead.───话未说完,一道火光突然从前面黑暗处向他袭来。

Wen Xiang had never seen anything like this. Having a beautiful young lady at his side made it even more bizarre.───文祥从来没见过这种景色,尤其是身旁还有一位如花似玉的少女,更是迷离诡异。


As soon as Wen Xiang heard "fate", his ears perked up. He quickly asked, "Isn't the ability to accelerate cause and effect and change fate, Hinayana Buddhism?"

After Wen Xiang, admire Shang Se carefully, foliaceous copy, taste drink slowly again.

When Wen Xiang did not want to disturb others, or wished to avoid being overheard , he would use "finger language" to talk with his computer.