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时间:2022-09-16 20:00:18 作者:星火作文 字数:2717字


Olive oil


橄榄油───Olive oil


In modern medicine, olive oil is also used in case of arterial hypertension.───很多的化妆品和药剂, 甚至是香皂都是以橄榄油为主要原料的.

Every day she treats them with warm olive oil and nail hardener.───雷德蒙每天都用热橄榄油和指甲加固剂护理指甲.

Dinner: Egg scrambled in milk cooked with tofu, spinach and potato in olive oil.───晚餐: 鸡蛋与豆腐, 菠菜和马铃薯橄榄油熟牛奶升空.Salsa.莎莎.

Heat a large saut é pan coated with olive oil.───取一只大煎锅,倒入橄榄油,加热.

Only extra-virgin olive oil will do on recherché dinner tables.───只有特纯橄榄油才能上讲究的餐桌。

Mix the rest of the olive oil with the zest and juice of the lemon.───将其余的橄榄油和柠檬皮及柠檬汁混合在一起。

Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan.───将几勺橄榄油、一片切碎的蒜瓣和一些黑胡椒粉放入深平底锅里加热。

Drizzle them with warmed extra virgin olive oil.───将加热过的特级初榨橄榄油淋在上面。


Heat the olive oil over a moderate flame .