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时间:2022-09-16 20:04:21 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2884字


Mexican Food


美食───delicious food;墨西哥───Mexico


The tramp was tormented by seeing such delicious food in the shop - window.───那个流浪汉因为看到橱窗里那美味可口的食物却又吃不上而十分苦恼.

The delicious food the wonderful people, and the beautiful scenery.───美味的食物,令人愉快的人民, 还有美丽的景色.

The table is always loaded with delicious food of many different kinds.───桌子上摆满了各种美味佳肴.

What delicious food you've cooked!───你做的饭菜多可口啊!

I suddenly became hungry when I smelled the delicious food.───当我闻到食物的香味时,突然变得饿了起来.

Beijing Duck is the most delicious food Beijing has to offer.───北京烤鸭是北京最美味的食品.

My hosts are very good and cook delicious food.───我的寄宿家庭主人非常好,也会做一手好菜.

The gentleman cooked lots delicious food beautiful table cover.───绅士做了很多美味的食物这是漂亮的餐桌布.


Tasting delicious food is one of them.

Chinese yam to do dishes more delicious food than South Korea.

My, what delicious food!

Thanks to the delicious food, the relaxed out-of-doors location and Vitor's good humour, enjoyment was not a problem.

There are chicken, a lot of delicious food such as the fish, green vegetables, the sparerib .