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时间:2022-09-16 20:05:49 作者:学习啦 字数:2855字


The revolution of 1911


辛亥革命───The revolution of 1911


Before and after the revolution of 1911, a new school system with a combination of newspapers and public opinions provided popularity of such a concept of with a strong support.───辛亥前后全新的学堂建制与报刊舆论等相结合,为现代国家观念的普及提供了强有力的平台。

European music began to be assimilated in earnest during the Revolution of 1911, mainly through Japan.───1911年辛亥革命期间,中国主要通过日本开始认真吸收西洋音乐。

Around the Revolution of 1911, a relatively concentrated talent group appeared in the area alongside the Yuan River and the Li River.───辛亥革命前后,沅水和澧水流域出现了一个相对比较集中的人才群体-“沅澧流域人才群”。

So, the Revolution of 1911, in full sense, was the national democratic revolution in modern times.───所以说,辛亥革命是一次完全意义上的近代民族民主革命。


The imperial system collapsed in the Revolution of 1911, and a new republic was established.

After the Revolution of 1911, the capitalist class imitated western countries and pursue multi-party competition and parliamentarism, but finally ended in failure.

It is thought that the lunar New Year formal denominate is the Spring Festival, after the revolution of 1911.