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时间:2022-09-17 00:00:33 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2435字


Shu Yanjun gold


束───beam;矢钧金───Yajun gold


The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.───体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如.

In his design the beam cantilevers out far for balance.───在他的设计中,悬臂梁伸出太多,不能平衡.

On video display unit, the process of beam and thus its position on a display surface.───基于组件技术的工程装备集成故障诊断系统,由传感器、中央处理器、显示装置 、 控制装置组成.

Your calculation is way off beam.───你的计算完全错误。

He was suddenly caught in the full beam of a searchlight.───他突然被探照灯照中而暴露无遗.

The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.───电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。

Fix the beam with the brackets and screws.───把横梁用托架和螺丝固定。

A beam of light produced by a laser can weld metals.───激光器发生的光束可以焊接金属.
