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时间:2022-09-17 08:00:47 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2466字


Watch alone


守望───keep watch;独自───alone


The men were ordered to keep watch against interruption.───跟班们奉命担任警戒,以防发生打岔的事.

Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch.───乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。

Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch.───乔斯一如往常地爬到树上放哨。

The king became very angry at this, and ordered the gardener to keep watch all night under the tree.───国王变得非常生气,命令园丁整夜在树下看守。

To keep watch or guard , especially over a corpse.───青,我把我的表卖了一百法郎,把表链和坠子卖了三百法郎.

Who will keep watch tonight?───今晚是谁值勤?

Along the wall are watch towers, where soldiers used to keep watch.───沿城墙有许多烽火台, 过去常有士兵驻守.

He was to keep watch in the lighthouse.───该他到灯塔上值班.


He was to keep watch in the lighthouse.