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时间:2022-09-17 08:03:39 作者:星火作文 字数:2508字


Term of validity


有效期───term of validity;限───limit


Certificate shall be valid. The term of validity shall be one year.───经过核证的外汇登记证为有效的外汇登记证,其有效期为一年.

And what about the term of validity or period for presentation?───又是怎样来确定有效期限和交单期限?

All of targets satisfied the needs of the veterinary medicine term of validity were 2 years.───所检测的项目满足兽药典相关要求,有效期初步定为2年.

Therefore, once it accepted unconditionally within the term of validity it cannot be withdrawn.───因此, 一旦在有效期内被无条件地接受就不可以撤回.

As for other kinds of inoculation, their term of validity shall be stated in related regulations.───其他预防接种的有效期, 按照有关规定执行.

Article 12 The term of validity of an import licence shall be one year.───第十二条进口货物许可证的有效期限为一年.

How long is the term of validity? What's special on storage?───胶带的使用寿命有多长? 存放条件如何?。
