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时间:2022-09-17 08:04:55 作者:星火作文 字数:2780字


Fight to death


争死───Fight to death


The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered.───游击队员宁愿战斗到死, 也不愿投降。

I believe most mothers would fight to death for their children.───我相信大多数母亲都会为自己的孩子拼尽全力的。

fight to death only when a tigress is defending her young, or when a tiger is guarding a tigress from the attentions of other males.───只有当一只母老虎在保护自己的幼崽时,或者当一只老虎在保护一只母老虎不受其他雄性动物的注意时,老虎才会搏斗致死。

I may not agree with what you say, but I'll fight to death to defend your right to say it.───我虽不一定同意你的观点,但我要誓死捍卫你说话的权利!

Historically, the only desire of rangers and soldiers who fight to death abroad was to go back home and be buried with their ancestors.───历史上,战死他乡,客死离土的游侠、将士、贩夫、役卒唯一存念的是能够搬丧回籍,魂归故土,入葬祖茔。

They were all brainwashed guerrillas and would fight to death before they surrendered .───他们都是洗过脑的游击队员,宁愿战斗到死,也决不投降。


The crane and the mother - of - pearl fight to death.