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时间:2022-09-17 12:03:41 作者:趣历史 字数:2774字


Make a call


拨打电话───Make a call


You can make a call and charge the item to their credit card.───你打个电话然后用信用卡支付要买的货品.

I prefer to make a call if I'm in a hurry.───如果我赶时间,我更喜欢打电话。

Now they just make a call.───现在他们只需打个电话。

Can you tell him to make a call for me?───你能告诉他给我打个电话 吗 ?

I'll make a call to tell you about my decision on Saturday morning.───周六上午我会打电话告诉你我的决定的.

All right. I'll make a call . Number in Bombay is 257489.───好的, 我要打通电话到孟买,电话号码是257489.

You must pair your headset and phone before you can make a call.───在使用耳机通话前,耳机必须与手机配对.

You will need to put in a dime before you can make a call.───打电话前,你先要塞进10美分.


It's terribly difficult to make a call to those sort of islands as they don't have many telephones.

Can I use your cell phone to make a call?

Again, that reduction will make a call on the resources that I have available to increase our programmes.

Make a call to one of the millions of other great women who understand the rigors or motherhood.

Where can I make a call?