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时间:2022-09-17 12:04:47 作者:学习啦 字数:3488字


Deduction of provident fund


公积金───accumulation fund;扣───buckle


Abstract: housing accumulation fund system is the main form to realize housing allocation monetization and legalization.───摘要:住房公积金制度是实现住房分配货币化和法制化的主要形式。

Housing accumulation fund draws a regulation!───住房公积金提取规定!

If was done, turn mortgage, OK still is reoccupy accumulation fund buying a house?───假如做了转按揭, 还可以再用公积金在购买房子 吗 ?

I want to buy a house recently, should carry with accumulation fund.───我最近想买房, 要提用公积金.

What is the loan principle of housing accumulation fund?───住房公积金的贷款原则是什么?

The risk of housing accumulation fund loan from the housing accumulation fund management center to bear.───住房公积金贷款的风险,由住房公积金管理中心承担.

Should affirm whether clear company gave you to go up additionally accumulation fund.───另外要确认清楚公司是否给你上了公积金.

Article IX Housing Committee in the management of housing accumulation fund perform the following duties.───第九条住房委员会在住房公积金管理方面履行下列职责.


Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't be used to cover deficit. but it doesn' t break the law to cover the deficit with the accumulation fund.

The establishment of housing accumulation fund system of non - ownership economic organization is restricted by many factors.

Can use only, can use commercial loan only when you buy the 2nd flatlet, accrual borrows money than accumulation fund slightly tall.

Workers have the right to expose and report against the misappropriation of housing accumulation fund behavior.

Article99 The year's premiums retained by an insurance company undertaking property insurance shall not exceed four times that the total of the actual capital fund plus public accumulation fund.