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时间:2022-09-17 16:00:53 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2425字


What's going on


眚───He is a doctor;烖───A pillar


He is a doctor of philosophy.───他是一位哲学博士。

He helps sick people. He is a doctor.───他帮助生病的人,他是一个医生。

He is a doctor by profession.───他的职业是医生。

He is a doctor in name only; he stays in the stock exchange all day long.───他只是名义上是个医生;他整天在股票交易所里。

He is a Doctor of Economy granted ever national allowance by State Council as an International Hotel expert.───何建民,一位经济学博士,一位获得国务院特殊津贴的专家,更是中外酒店专家;

His grandpa is still alive and he is a doctor.───他的爷爷还活着,他是一名医生。


His name tag? says he is a doctor.

He is a doctor of philosophy.

He is a doctor by profession and a novelist by avocation.

He is a Doctor of Philosophy.

He is a doctor of Medicine.