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时间:2022-09-17 16:04:05 作者:星火作文 字数:2643字


At those dances




Without a crystal ball, it's impossible to say where we'll be next year.───不用水晶球预卜未来,我们说不准明年处境如何呀。

The third baseman let the ball roll between his feet.───第三名垒手让球从他的两只脚之间滚了过去.

Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colourful masks.───化装舞会上的许多跳舞者戴着五颜六色的面具.

He struck the ball beautifully.───他击的那一球非常出色.

At the last moment, the player was able to hit the ball in and so ensure his team's victory.───关键时刻, 那个球员踢进一球,从而确保该队的胜利.

He was injured during a tussle for the ball.───他在争球时受了伤。

The ball hopped around the playing field.───皮球在运动场上蹦来蹦去.

The boy's ball ended up on the garage roof.───这男孩的球落到了汽车库顶上.


The boys were kicking an old ball around.

He fumbled the ball and then dropped it.

His favorite toy is a rubber ball.

The boy booted the ball away.

He batted the ball high into the air.