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时间:2022-09-17 20:00:46 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2295字


Wipe the nose of the king of hell


阎王───The king of hell;鼻子───nose


There is a court there, presided over by the King of Hell.───那里有一个法庭,由阎王管理。

The King of Hell occupies northeast fertile burnt stone under of scream the earth jail.───阎罗王占据东北方沃焦石下的叫唤大地狱。

She saw in her mind's eye the beautiful embroidered burial shoes presented to her by her niece and felt sure these would make the King of Hell treat her with respect when she went to the nether world.───她随即想起甥女儿送她的一双绣花鞋真好看,穿了那双鞋上西方,阎王一定另眼相看;

The King of Hell asks him what wishes he has for his afterlife.───阎王问它你来生可有什么愿望吗

So, you can see many ox- faces working for the King of Hell.───咁所以帮阎罗王打工个喳都系牛头多过马面。
