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时间:2022-09-17 20:03:48 作者:趣历史 字数:2997字






of the prose writing of the Hanyu School is the sign of exhaustion of the intellectual movement in Tang Dynasty.───古文作家是中晚唐古文运动的主力军,韩派古文创作的销沉是唐代古文运动衰歇的标志。

Hanyu with the Manchu influence spread southward.───满语影响的汉语遂向南传播。

I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin, the Chinese phonetic alphabet.───我能用汉语拼音拼出我的名字。

With such a unique style, a number of HanYu's academic monographs and excellent literary works left us with a valuable spiritual wealth.───这样的学术专著和不少优秀的文学作品,给我们留下了宝贵的精神财富。

To those without the benefit of formal study of it, hanyu pinyin seemed like an alphabetic train wreck.───对没有正经学习过的人来说,汉语拼音看上去就像颠倒错乱的字母排列。

Having said all that, I would now like to offer some suggestions for the teaching of hanyu pinyin.───说到这里,我想回头再对汉语拼音的教学谈点具体的建议,以做为本文的结束。


Now, Mrs. Inge Svenson is talking to Mr. Chen Hanyu, President of Huashun Co.

I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin , the Chinese phonetic alphabet.

Pinyin is a tool for learning or using Hanyu and Hanzi.

Cherished family names, too, had been changed into unrecognisable ( to the unconvinced ) hanyu pinyin.

I hope that the hanyu pinyin pilot scheme proves successful.