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时间:2022-09-17 20:04:46 作者:学习啦 字数:2609字


It's not in my room


房间───room;不在───be not in


This room faces west.───这个房间朝西。

The sitting room needs decorating.───客厅需要粉刷。

The room echoed.───房间发出了回声。

With its vast, uninhabited coastline, mainland Australia would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself.───凭借广阔而且无人居住的海岸线,澳大利亚大陆似乎有足够的空间来自己接受这个任务。

He went up to his room, and, avoiding the children, who were coming up the stairs, threw himself on the bed.───回到楼上自己的房间里,听到孩子们正走上楼梯,为了避开他们,他便一歪身躺倒在床上。

So afraid was Amy for her own safety that she did not leave her dorm room for a full week after the threats.───因为极度担心自己的安危,艾美在受到恐吓后一周都没迈出过卧室半步。


His room is thrice the size of mine.

There is an underground room in the old house.

The room was full of people.

There's no room for sentiment in business.

He stopped the machine and left the room.