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时间:2022-09-18 00:01:11 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2720字


Shi Qi


师祁───Shi Qi


Guang (the Office of Official Historian) had already appeared at the time of Northern Qi.───史馆之称,北齐时已经出现,但那仅是指负有修史之责的秘书省下属机构著作省。

and Du, Shi and Qi, Yuan and He, assessed dynamic efficiency in China with AMSZ criterion and reported that China's economy was dynamically inefficient.───与杜两省、史永东与齐鹰飞、袁志刚与何樟勇相继考察了中国经济的动态效率,结果均表明中国经济是动态无效的。

Up to today, Shi Qi is in there still, the shop front is big, the business is more flourishing.───直到今天,仕奇的专卖店依旧在那个地方,门脸儿大了,生意更红火了。

It is an important theory of professor Shi Qi to treat cervical spondylosis from arthralgia -syndrome.───从痹论治颈椎病是施杞教授重要学术思想。

Shantou is rich in tourism resources, natural landscape features: the broad, Shi Qi, caves, the beautiful scenery.───汕头的旅游资源十分丰富,自然景观的特色是:海阔、石奇、洞幽、风光秀丽。


It is an important theory of professor Shi Qi to treat cervical spondylosis from arthralgia syndrome.