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时间:2022-09-18 04:00:57 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3345字


Yingqian list




If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another warmly warbler, which warmly warbler warbles warmest?───如果一只热情的鸣鸟对另一只热情的鸣鸟鸣啭, 哪只热情鸣鸟鸣啭得最热情?

A willow warbler is similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller.───柳莺与大白喉莺相似,但体型较小.

American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds.───以模仿其它鸟类叫声而著名的美洲林莺.

He was warbler and flying very low over the water.───那是只鸣禽,在水面上飞得很低.

Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously composes much longer and more variable songs without repetition.───歌雀在切换到另一种类型之前,会一声一声地重复其中的一种,与之不同的是,北美歌雀会连续地创作更长的、更多变的歌曲,而不会重复。

Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller.───东半球与大白喉莺的鸟但体型较小.

Often plant female division discovery: Warbler cover ? sells hard however, difficult use, benefit is low.───老种草区发现: 草好种,却难卖 、 难利用, 效益低下.

April is the day of a dance of flying swallow of careless long warbler.───四月是个草长莺飞燕舞的日子.


A prothonotary warbler adds a splash of gold to a tableau of cherry blossoms along the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.

Close by, a willow warbler flicked jauntily from one overhanging twig to the next.

More bird song: willow warbler, wren, robin - all in the first few minutes.

They, too, have learnt what a great reed warbler egg looks like.

In Britain the main hosts are the reed warbler, meadow pipit, dunnock and pied wagtail.