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时间:2022-09-18 04:03:20 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2830字






Ke Tso - fu sat tight - lipped and silent, adamant as ever.───克佐甫不作声了, 薄嘴唇闭得紧紧地,也是同样的坚决.

At this point Chueh - hsin and Ke - ming came in.───觉新同 克明 从外面进来.

What's keeping Ke Tso - fu , I wonder?───怎么老克还不来!

Ke - ming made no comment; he only smiled coldly and walked out.───克明 不说什么, 只是冷笑一声就走了.

is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke.───是知名导演贾樟柯的御用摄影师。

Tieh can move in with the Tang family. It's quite safe there,'suggested Ke - ming .───爹可以到唐家去, 那儿很安全, ” 克明 提议说.

That morning Uncle Ke - ting's carriers had cut down two thick bamboos and sawed them into segments.───这天早晨五房的两个轿夫到花园内竹林里砍倒两根粗大的竹子,锯成短的竹筒,带到马房里去.

My name is Rick.(wo shi Li Ke).───我叫Rick (我是李柯)。


A scar may overgrow into a ke 1 oid.

Contrasts North Star , Wan Ke send the bond rate lowly firmly.

Ke Tso - fu turned his head slightly and looked expectantly at Chen Yueh - ngo.

David Chan Ke strategic experts may think in terms of price and non - price competition.

Infante Ke trust will bring you full satisfaction!