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时间:2022-09-18 08:02:36 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2496字


Blood father




The blood courses through the veins.───血液在血管里奔流.

His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.───他的生活方式容易使他患高血压.

We Chinese have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood.───我们中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概.

Blood trickled down one's leg.───腿淌血了.

Blood trickled slowly down his cheek.───血从他的面颊上缓缓地淌了下来.

She fainted [ swooned ] at the sight of her own blood.───她一看到自己的血就 晕 过去了.

A year ago he had a blood clot removed from his brain.───他脑内的血块一年前被取出了.

Blood donors give blood for use in hospitals.───献血者献血供医院使用.


Blood will have blood.

The wound was oozing blood.

The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding.

They claim that the new drug normalizes blood pressure.

He had a blood clot removed from his brain.