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时间:2022-09-18 12:01:40 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3318字


Potential performance


潜演───Potential performance


You can also use it to identify potential performance delays by looking for long deltas between calls when using the -D switch.───还可以在使用 -D 开关时寻找调用之间的长 delta,通过这种方法寻找潜在的性能延迟原因。

Borkar believes that software development practices have to be retooled in order to leverage potential performance improvement.───Borkar相信软件开发实践必须改组整备工具以利用起提升的性能潜力。

To deliver on its potential performance, MDC tables must be designed with the optimal (or at least an adequate) set of dimensions.───为了发挥它潜在的性能,必须为mdc表设计一组最佳的(或者至少是够好的)维。

To deliver on its potential performance, MDC tables must be designed with the optimal (or at least an adequate) set of dimensions.───为了发挥它潜在的性能,必须为MDC表设计一组最佳的(或者至少是够好的)维。

Due to the overhead verifying and generating backup checksums, using backup checksums poses a potential performance impact.───由于验证和生成备份校验和引起的开销,使用备份校验和会对性能造成潜在的影响。

Consequently they give insight into the potential performance of quantitation estimators.───因此他们给洞察潜在的性能定量估计。


A computer simulation model designed to evaluate the potential performance of a 4-wheel-drive articulated skidder under a variety of assumptions ard constraints has been developed.

Garbage collection is not a no-brainer choice for all Mac developers today, and is still sometimes seen as a potential performance risk.

Direct control of the thrust can reduce these margins and exploit potential performance of the engine.