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时间:2022-09-18 20:03:35 作者:学习啦 字数:2540字


Samoer copper coin




There were grains of sand in her hair.───她的头发里有沙粒.

Water seeps through sand.───水渗入沙中.

When the children come in covered in sand you can just hose them down.───当孩子全身沾满沙子进门时,你可以直接用水龙带将他们冲洗干净。

Sand has silted up the river delta.───泥沙把这条河的三角洲淤塞了。

He was loping across the sand toward Nancy.───他迈着大步穿过沙滩缓缓向南希跑去。

His hair was the colour of sand.───他的头发呈沙褐色。

They filtered the water through the sand.───他们用沙子滤水.

Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster.───太多高尔夫球手都想把球从沙子里敲出来,结果酿成了一场灾难。


She kicked the sand up.

The waves had pushed the sand into little ridges.

Humanity in bathing suits covered the sand.

There were grains of sand in her hair.

Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement.