be employed
受雇───be employed
We should always be employed in something.───我们总得干些事.
Later in the century scientists and technicians started to look at the practical purposes for which fireworks might be employed, such as using rockets to help sailors establish their position at sea.───在该世纪后期,科学家和技术人员开始研究烟花的实际用途,比如利用烟花帮助水手确定他们在海上的位置。
Several principles can be employed to squelch false rumors-- true rumors should be confirmed, by the way-- or limit their impact.───有几个原则可用来制止虚假的谣言——顺便,真正的传闻应该被证实——或者限制它们的影响。
It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifling matters.───真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来干这类琐事.
Methods of cutting should be employed which are unlikely to generate an undue amount of heat.───应采用不易产生过多热量的切割方法.
More sensitive but necessarily more complex and bulky detectors could be employed.───还可以采用更加灵敏的,(当然也一定更复杂的)大体积探测器来做实验.
It is a pity that such a talent as him should be employed about such trifle matters.───真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来干这类琐事。
Multiple electric circuits may be employed to provide incremental control to meet load requirements.───为了适应负荷增加需要,可采用复接电路提供增量控制.
She's not yet old enough to be employed in a position of trust.
We should always be employed in something.
The woman secretaries should be employed for their ability not for their looks.
The powers of the directors are to be employed to that end.
To freeze food, a blast freezer should be employed.