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时间:2022-09-19 00:04:18 作者:语文迷 字数:3358字






km from Shanghai, where the brown Yangzi meets the greener waters of the Jialing river, the city of Chongqing is flourishing.───黄的长江水和青绿的嘉陵江水,汇聚于上海上游两千五百公里处的重庆,那里正繁荣兴亡。

From there you can see where the Changjiang River and the Jialing River meet.───从那里可以看到长江与嘉陵江的交汇处。

First the paper outlined the appearance the folklore culture existing in Jialing' s Ci.───第一章勾勒了民俗文化在迦陵词中存在的状态。

Chongqing used to be a military town and a regional center, a juncture of Jialing River and Yangtze River.───两江会合,山高水深。最早浮出历史水面的重庆,是一个高墙壁垒的军事城邑和区域的权力中心。

And has been a year Jialing.───并已经有了一年驾龄。

Ep608 - Jialing insists on leaving Mingcheng as she does not want to destroy the good relationship between Mingcheng and his mother.───家玲坚决要离开明成,主要原因是不想破坏明成与他母亲的良好关系。


He also holds climate, geography, human reasons cause the Jialing River Basin's flood.

Its abbreviated name is derived from the old name of a part of the Jialing River that runs through Chongqing and feeds the Yangtze River (Changjiang River).

In contrast, the optic vesicle of S. kneri in Xinfengjiang River Reservoir and S. scherzeri in the Jialing River appears after the closure of blastopore.

He holds that the Jialing River Basin's flood has five characteristics: universality, frequency, seasonality, destructiveness and complexity.

The comparison of vertebral column and appendicular skeleton for bagrid catfishes from Jialing River reveals that in the family Bagridae the compound vertebra is formed by the anterior 6 vertebrae.