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时间:2022-09-19 08:01:54 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3011字


I don't like stinky tofu


臭豆腐───Stinky tofu;不───no


Stinky tofu, let's go!───臭豆腐,我们去瞧瞧!

Tom: Nice! I bought some things too. And I brought a treat : stinky tofu!───汤姆: 好极啦! 我也买了一些东西. 我给你们买来了臭豆腐!

Stinky tofu smells rotten, but it tastes outstanding.───臭豆腐闻起来是臭的, 但吃起来却很好吃.

Stinky tofu smells rotten but it tastes great.───臭豆腐闻起来是臭的但吃起来却很好吃.

Rachel used to hate stinky tofu, but has acquired a taste for it recently.───瑞秋以前很讨厌臭豆腐, 但最近开始慢慢喜欢上它的味道.

I threw up when I smelled the stinky tofu.───我闻到臭豆腐的味道时吐了出来。

Tender, together with the stinky tofu is also also - Hun, not greasy, it is Tianzuozhige.───嫩, 与臭豆腐在一起则是亦荤亦素, 且不油腻, 实属天作之合.

The pungent smell of stinky tofu fills the air.───难闻的臭豆腐味弥漫在空气里。


Stinky tofu smells rotten but it tastes great.

The aroma of stinky tofu wafted around me as I walked past the vendor towards the young man who sells the flat pancakes which are baked on the inside wall of a drum-shaped oven.

Tender, together with the stinky tofu is also also - Hun, not greasy, it is Tianzuozhige.

The second one is WangZhiHe's Stinky tofu(A strong-smelling preserved bean curd).

Tom: Nice! I bought some things too. And I brought a treat : stinky tofu!