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时间:2022-09-19 08:04:15 作者:学习啦 字数:2866字


Goods for sale


鬻货───Goods for sale


From auctioning people's old stuff, eBay now also hosts fixed-priced virtual shops offering new goods for sale.───eBay现在不光拍卖人们的旧货了,它的虚拟商店中还出售明码标价的新商品。

Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods for sale.───一些顾客看上去对种类十分繁多的销售货品感到不知所措了。

The company advertised goods for sale.───这家公司为推销产品而做广告。

Fate or chance, there was a vegetable stall nearby with open crates showing the goods for sale.───不知是命运的安排还是偶然,广场附近正好有一个蔬菜摊,摊上摆放著已开箱的商品。

In an open market any number of sellers or competitors can offer goods for sale.───在开放的市场中,很多销售者或竞争者可以自定货物出售的价格。

The farmer or the peasant cannot find the goods for sale which he desires to purchase.───农村的农民不能找到他们需要购买的物品。


On board, there were silks, porcelain, silverware, cotton, and other goods for sale or trade.

The company advertised goods for sale.

These were not the old stodgy ads listing goods for sale.

The goods for sale were attractively laid out.

The packaging of goods for sale has become a large industry in its own right.