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时间:2022-09-19 12:01:10 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2699字


Help, help


援手───A helping hand;帮助───help


She stretched out a helping hand.───她伸出了援助的手.

They all rushed there to give a helping hand.───他们都赶去帮忙.

It is never rude to smile and offer friends a helping hand.───对朋友带著笑容和伸出帮忙之手,绝非不好.

If everyone in the society can give a helping hand to each other, it is more likely that society will become more harmonious.───如果社会中的每个人都可以互相帮助,那么社会就更有可能变得更加和谐。

He was ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in distress.───什么人有难,他都乐于帮助.

He always extended a helping hand to us.───他常向我们伸出援助之手.

Most people are kind-hearted and want to lend a helping hand.───大多数人都是善良的,想要伸出援助之手。

I chipped in to lend a helping hand for that poor girl.───我捐了一些钱,想帮帮那个可怜的女孩.


Petion, follow them and lend a helping hand.

People do need a helping hand.

These tax cuts will give industry a helping hand.

She's been giving me a helping hand with the children.

A helping hand on the Nfis Slabs.