San Jian
三建───San Jian
repair now, Taohua Jian, San Qing-chi, well, and other attractions Piling has been effectively protected.───现已修复香山寺,桃花涧、圣清池、毗陵井等景点已得到有效保护。
After that scene was done we had some time off and I was craving san jian bao for breakfast.───拍完日出戏可以外出,我很想吃生煎包当早餐。
San Jian Bao is a special kind of dumpling, much similar to the Xiao Lung Bao but bigger and less delicate.───生煎包是一种特别的包子,类似小笼包,但个头大些也没那么精巧。
When we got there , there was a line of like 20 people waiting to get their little dose of San Jian Bao.───我们到的时候,有大约20个人排了长长的队在等待他们小小的生煎包出炉。
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