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时间:2022-09-19 16:05:25 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2695字


What measures have been put forward




A powered vessel should give way to sail — it is an unwritten rule of the sea.───机动船在遇到帆船时必须让其先行,这是一条不成文的航海规则.

You gave me the wrong address and made me go all that way for nothing.───你把地址搞错了,害得我白跑了一趟.

Stay where you are. You're not in my way.───在这儿待着吧,你碍不着我.

Of course It'should be handled that way.───本来就该这样办.

The subject was handled in a gingerly way.───那问题处理得很谨慎.

Are you all watching out? The Queen will come this way in a few minutes!───你们都注意警戒了 吗 ?过几分钟女王就要从这条路通过了!

We wound our way southeast.───我们向东南方向蜿蜒前行。

In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you.───在某种程度上说, 你犯那个错误我 倒 感到高兴, 因为它可以对你敲警钟.


No way is impossible to courage.

Love will find out the way.

Money is wise, it knows its way.

What's the approved way of dealing with this?

He talked his way into the job.