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时间:2022-09-19 20:03:43 作者:学习啦 字数:3003字


hawaiian islands


夏威夷群岛───hawaiian islands


Lisa: You know all the Hawaiian islands are volcanic, right?───莉莎: 你知道所有夏威夷岛屿都是火山岛, 对 吧 ?

At the beginning of the 20 th century, the military importance of the Hawaiian Islands became clear.───进入20世纪, 夏威夷群岛的重要性日益显现.

There is Florida or Hawaiian Islands to choose from.───可供选择的是弗罗里达或夏威夷群岛.

The Hawaiian islands provide a very instructive answer.───夏威夷群岛提供了一个非常有建设性的答案。

The Hawaiian Islands provided a very instructive answer.───夏威夷群岛提供了一个非常有益的答案。

The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.───夏威夷岛是世界上最美丽的地方之一.

When the Hawaiian Islands emerged from the sea as volcanoes, starting about five million years ago, they were far removed from other landmasses.───当夏威夷群岛从大约500万年前开始以火山的形式出现在海面上时,它们远离其他陆地板块。

In the Hawaiian Islands, like I just said.───夏威夷群岛, 正如我刚才所说.


In the Hawaiian Islands, like I just said.

The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.

The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.

In the Hawaiian Islands, Captain James Cook becomes the first European to discover Maui.

Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA?