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时间:2022-09-20 00:00:41 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3028字


Is that interesting




The results are not statistically significant.───结果从统计学上看没有什么意义。

a highly significant discovery───有重大意义的发现

Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.───青霉素是极其重要的医学发现.

It was clear that there was significant support for the Islamists.───显然伊斯兰教徒获得了相当多的支持。

There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.───随着公司向知识产权公司转型,其业务规模显著下降。

Between 70 and 80 councils face significant spending cuts or capping next year.───有70到80个地方议会明年面临支出大幅削减或受到严格限制。

The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.───提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。

When she died in 1946, her friends wanted to memorialize her in some significant way.───她1946年去世的时候,她的朋友们希望以某种隆重的方式纪念她。


A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.

A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.

The move was regarded as significant in Japan.

A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.

Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.