Cut button
裁扣───Cut button
Because we plan to cut and paste this script into each Set button and because the only difference between them is the property name, we declare this in a constant at the top of the script.───因为我们打算将这个脚本剪贴到每个Set按钮中,并且脚本之间的惟一区别就是属性名,因此将在脚本的开始部分的一个常量中声明。
He pulled up next to a Honda, pressed the button, and, boom, the car began to cut the front wheels and ease itself into the space.───他把车停在一辆本田旁边,然后按下按钮,车子发出隆隆声,前轮开始转动,然后轻松地停进了车位。
Clicking the Dropbox button would in theory quickly allow the user to access photos stored in their accounts and cut down on unnecessary upload times.───理论上讲,点击Dropbox按钮能让用户快速地将照片存储在自己的账号里,这将节约他们上传的时间。
In the Extrude dialog box, click the Cut button.───在「挤出」对话方块中,按一下「切割」按钮。
英语使用场景 b>