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时间:2022-09-20 04:00:09 作者:星火作文 字数:2958字


Green ribbon


青绶───Green ribbon


Cold-dampness retardant type (green ribbon) - warm channel and expelling cold, clearing damp. It is implied meaning of spring blossoms.───寒湿阻滞型(绿色丝带)——温经散寒,祛湿通经,寓意春暖花开。

The winding and zigzagging west causeway is like a green ribbon, and the six bridges on it vary in patterns.───蜿蜒曲折的西堤犹如一条翠绿飘带,堤上六桥,形态互异。

The flower in his hat, in green ribbon!───那花朵正别于他帽上的绿色缎带中!

Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it.───一言不发地,她从手提包里抽出一个松散地用红纸包的小盒子,上面还有一个用绿丝带系的蝴蝶结。

The core work of Shanghai Green Ribbon is to help the children of migrant workers in Shanghai.───上海绿丝带志愿者中心开始致力于开展上海外来务工子女的心灵健康成长项目。

It is like a green ribbon, along the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Sichuan, Yunnan, between the twists and turns on the roof of the world.───它像一条绿色的飘带,横亘于青藏高原与川、滇之间,蜿蜒曲折于世界屋脊之上。


The young man gauged her reaction and bought an emerald green ribbon which he handed to her.

When he took a green ribbon from her and tied it loosely round his waist, Joseph was even more disturbed.