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时间:2022-09-20 04:03:16 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2765字


Is it ready to weld




Indicates a weld in a flanged edge groove. Lines will elongate when height is increased.───指示在折缘沟中焊接. 线可随着深度的增加而拉长.

Accordingly , countermeasures are proposed to improve the apparent quality of the weld pipe.───提出了有效改善焊管表面质量的措施.

A beam of light produced by a laser can weld metals.───激光器发生的光束可以焊接金属.

The work principle that acquaints with to weld the special airplane can adjust also.───熟悉焊接专机的工作原理并能调整.

The paper has analyzed the content about image processing in the weld seam tracking system.───在此对焊缝自动跟踪系统中有关图像处理方面的内容作了一些分析.

Indicates a weld in a flanged corner groove. Lines will elongate when height is increased.───指示在法兰转角沟中焊接. 线可随着深度的增加而拉长.

The crisis helped to weld the party together.───这场危机促使整个党紧密地团结在一起。

She has both the authority and the personality to weld the party together.───团结全党所需的权威和个人魅力她两者兼具。


It's possible to weld stainless steel to ordinary steel.