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时间:2022-09-20 08:00:41 作者:学习啦 字数:3201字


So spend more time sleeping and less time watching the screen


多花───Many flowers;屏幕───screen


There are many flowers in the garden. Some are red; some are yellow; others are blue.───园子里有许多花,一些是红的,一些是黄的,另一些是蓝的。

Clara, this is really nothing in comparison with the many flowers in the pasture.───拉拉,这和牧场上的许多花比起来真是小巫见大巫。

Many flowers and trees have withered this night; Death will soon come and plant them over again!───许多花草树木在这个夜晚都枯萎了;死亡很快就会来临,把它们重新种植!

King Midas was changed at once into a golden bee. King Midas was very excited. He touched many flowers and plants and statues in the garden.───国王迈达斯非常兴奋,他又触碰了很多在花园里的花朵和植物还有建筑,结果全变成了金的。

She went on her way through the forest. As she went, she saw many flowers by the way.───她踏上了穿过树林的路,她走在路上,看到路边许多鲜花。

On Saturday, they came to take a walk along the river bank. The sun warm weather, where there are many flowers and a ship on the surface.───上周六,他们来到河边散步,阳光洒在地上,天气很温暖,那里有很多的花,旁边的河上飘着船。


Many flowers are capable of self-fertilization if pollination fails, and a few species do it regularly.

Citrus is perennial and evergreen plant with many flowers and requires a large amount of nutrients.

Many flowers perished in the storm.

Many flowers open in the morning and close at night.

The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.