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时间:2022-09-20 12:00:27 作者:语文迷 字数:2710字


Throw things in the trash




Jeez, what garbage!───天哪,这是什么破烂儿!

Smoke from a bonfire of garbage mixes with the miasma of smog in the sky.───一股垃圾燃烧的浓烟与其他瘴气混杂,在天空中四处弥漫.

They kept dumping their garbage in the woods until the local police came.───警察到来之前,他们一直在往树林里倒拉圾.

Garbage heaped up behind the house.───屋后垃圾积成了堆.

Don't scatter garbage all over the place.───不要随地乱扔果皮纸屑.

Garbage is left to accumulate in unsanitary heaps that attract flies and give off bad smell.───剩下的垃圾堆积在不卫生的堆积,吸引苍蝇并发出臭味.也不是只限于空气和土地污染.

Don't talk such a load of garbage!───别说那么多废话!

They separate their garbage into wet refuse , dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on.───她们把垃圾分类,湿的, 乾的, 空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里.


Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.

They fouled the river by throwing in garbage.

I've had enough of your garbage.

Dig a pit and bury the garbage.

He talks a lot of garbage about education.