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时间:2022-09-20 16:01:32 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2937字






His imagination transformed shadows into monsters.───他把影子想像成了怪物.

If I hear any more about monsters, " he said, " I'll spank you. "───“若是我再听见你们谈论鬼怪, ” 他说, “ 我就打你们屁股. ”

They rule out the cities, which are thick with monsters.───他们首先排除城市, 因为那里有僵尸聚集.

Ozzy and the Cap'n blow up the monsters with bicarbonate of soda.───奥兹和船长用碳酸水中的重碳酸盐把那些怪物统统炸死了.

These monsters would not lay down their cleavers even when on the brink of their own destruction.───这些魔鬼临死也不会放下屠刀.

Nine monsters want to play.───九个小怪物想玩。

Always use this variant for characters who play psionic monsters.───当灵能怪物作为角色出现时本变体规则总是适用.

It is somber there, they say there are evil monsters there.───那里阴森森的, 道士说有妖气.


Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters. Victor Hugo 

Monsters resuscitate with the same alacrity as angels.

Instead of the children being the monsters, the parents become the monsters who threaten to take over and exact revenge.

These monsters would not lay down their cleavers even when on the brink of their own destruction.

I wanted to fight these monsters: I didn't want to go on living with them.