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时间:2022-09-20 16:04:05 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2749字


Deliberate act


蓄意行为───Deliberate act


I quickly translated her act of banishment into my own deliberate act of self-exile.───我很快把妈妈这种放逐的行为解释成了我自己深思熟虑的自我放逐。

This is a deliberate act of breaking the law.───这是一个存心破坏法律的行为。

It had been a cold and deliberate act.───这是故意而冷酷的行为。

That putting a bit of sugar seems to be a deliberate act, however, such approach balances the taste: bitter and sour.───在杯边蘸上白砂糖,这看似不经意的做法恰恰是为了平衡香槟酒微苦微酸的口感。

Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.───拿出时间,在沉思默想中敬拜,并且把得到的祝福献在神面前。


Accidental failure of electricity or gas supply not caused by the deliberate act of the supply authority.

Rape as an act of war-a conscious, deliberate act of war.

His deliberate act was in fact obstructing the police who were making a lawful arrest, and that was sufficient mens rea.

It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.

a deliberate act of vandalism.