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时间:2022-09-21 00:03:24 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2552字


Loss sale


亏本───Lose money;甩卖───markdown sale


Events that require expensive prizes can lose money.───活动如果需要昂贵的奖金会损失很多资金。

The intermediate term investments that go against the PAF analysis lose money.───违反点数图PAF的中期投资往往输钱.

If you go short the futures price goes up, you lose money.───你卖空而期货价格上升, 你就赔钱.

You might lose money to invest in the project.───你在这项工程上投资,可能要损失钱.

Paul Templarhaus managed to lose money everywhere he opened a shop.───保罗·坦普纳豪斯无论在哪里开店都要蚀本.

You could lose money or precious belongings if you aren't careful.───不小心一些也可能会丢钱或者其他贵重物品.

It expects to lose money again in 2011.───它还会亏钱。

No matter how good the software at this rate you'll lose money.───不管这个软件有多好,赚50%还是很难的,最终你是亏钱的.


Many ordinary investors stand to lose money in this affair.