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时间:2022-09-21 04:00:54 作者:语文迷 字数:2431字


Yao City


瑶城───Yao City


of Wa Yao, just outside the city of Chengdu, is known for its strawberries, which grow in neat rows in fields between the houses.───成都市郊的瓦窑村,以生产草莓而著称,在房屋间的土地上,一拢拢的草莓排列整齐。

Hailing from Yao City Osaka Japan is custom bike builder Ken Tabata.───尾市日本大阪是定制的摩托车制造商肯畑海陵。

The southern American city of Houston is not one of great renown, yet it is one of the most famous in China because Yao Ming has made his home there with NBA team, the Rockets.───美国的南部城市休斯顿不是一个极负盛名的城市,但是在中国它是最有名的一个城市之一,因为NBA球队,火箭队的大本营在那里,姚明的家也安在那里。

According to legend, its capital About Yao, Yao (Yao City, Village, this Qingxu County), the picking Seocho "pods" to brew bitter.───相传,帝尧定都尧(今清徐县尧城村)后,采摘瑞草“荚”以酿苦酒。
