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时间:2022-09-21 04:03:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2681字


Go for a picnic




Many families are having picnics.───许多家庭在这里野餐。

Picnics were popular in the gay nineties.───在1890年至1900年间野餐很流行.

I like to go on picnics and climb mountains.───我喜欢去野餐和爬山.

TIPS on staying healthy: picnics, laundry, restrooms , use of pharmacy.───健康小秘诀: 关于野餐, 洗衣房, 洗手间, 药房.

not the custom for elderly people to mar the picnics with their presence.───照例不参加野餐,免得扫兴。

Yes, I usually take many pictures when I go on picnics.───是的, 我去野餐时通常拍许多照片.

People in my city often like to go on picnics, stroll through the parks, and play outdoor games.───我们城市的人经常喜欢去野餐,在公园里散步,玩户外游戏。

Do you go on picnics?───你常去郊游 吗 ?


So bring your blankets, picnics and arrive early for the pre-show entertainment.

This unusual dish is ideal for picnics or lunches on a warm summer day.

A family picnics in the grass.

Shooting parties, picnics, fancy dress.

Footballs were kicked here, picnics and sports days held.