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时间:2022-09-21 08:03:08 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2617字






It was so still you could have heard a pin drop.───是那样的寂静,连一根针落地的声音你都可以听到.

They're trying to pin it on us.───他们正试图把这件事归罪于我们。

The detective tried to pin the murder on the accused man.───那侦探企图把杀人的罪名加在那个被告的身上.

The balloon will pop if you put a pin in it.───如果扎进一颗大头钉,气球就会突然爆开.

Dad took a pin and pinned the flower to her coat.───爸爸取出一枚别针,将花别在她的外衣上.

The doctor put a steel pin in his wrist.───医生在他的腕关节植入一根钢钉.

She'd do anything for a bit of pin money.───为了挣点外快,她什么都肯做。

That ring is not worth a pin.───那个戒指不值钱.


Prick holes in the paper with a pin.

Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough.

The dressmaker used a pin to fasten the pattern to the cloth.

See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck; see a pin and let it lie, bad luck you'll have all day.

She'd do anything for a bit of pin money.