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时间:2022-09-21 12:00:41 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3355字


light colour


浅色───light colour


Characteristic: well light colour minor volume, long performance life, save energy, utmost in fixing.───特点: 光色好、体积小 、 寿命长 、 节能 、 安装方便.

Some washed denim clothes giving the effect of dark and light colour patches are most popular.───颜色有深有浅的水磨牛仔服最受欢迎.

The light colour doesnt match her skin.───这浅颜色与她的皮肤不配.

Strong light will affect the depth of colour of your carpets and curtains.───强烈的阳光会使地毯和窗帘退色。

Third Step : Paint shadow colour and light colour, enrich head.───步骤 三: 添上阴影色和亮部色, 使头像饱满起来.

Generally speaking , spot colours preparation consists of light colour and dark colour preparation.───专色油墨调配分浅色和深色油墨的调配.

Take a very small paintbrush or pencil and a light, nearly white colour.───拿一个非常小的画笔或铅笔,和一种接近于白的浅色。

You can't see in this light, but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour.───这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。


I want to offer them light, colour, romance, and to stimulate their imaginations.

Characteristics: high luminous efficiency , long life , light colour , and gold wand white , through fog and strong. Trigger high-pressure sodium lp with no external trigger.

The 2nd kind is symbolistic break up, the measure that it includes to use content of baluster, glass, overhang or light, colour to wait for blame substance will differentiate space.

Use a light colour which will show up on a dark background.

Characteristics: high luminous efficiency , long life , light colour , and gold wand white , through fog and strong. Trigger high-pressure sodium lamp with no external trigger.