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时间:2022-09-21 16:04:03 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3179字


Use the restaurant


用餐───have meals;厅───office


And it is a gruesome experience to have meals at the best big - city restaurants.───而在大城市最好的餐馆里吃饭则是令人憎恶的经历.

Apple Park is not only a fantastic working place, there is a huge dining hall for all the Apple people to have meals together at once.───苹果公司总部不仅是一个很棒的工作场所,那里还有一个巨大的餐厅,供所有的员工一起吃饭。

Please have meals upstairs.───请到楼上用餐。

On holidays, members of the larger group ― grandparents, aunts , uncles, cousins ― often have meals together.───每逢假期, 较大的家族的成员--爷爷奶奶, 叔叔阿姨, 表兄弟姐妹们,经常一起聚餐.

There are only a few minutes now. You'd better have meals on the fly.───就剩几分钟了, 快点儿吃.

But can we have meals there?───但我们能在那里用餐 吗 ?

Ordinary sailors are not allowed to have meals in officer's mess.───普通水手不能在官员餐厅吃饭.

We all know that it's not healthy to have meals in fast-food restaurant like McDonald's frequently.───我们都知道经常去快餐店比如说麦当劳吃饭是不健康的。


Oyster breeding is a hard job, the culturist almost do not have time to have meals.

Kate, still frightened she might be recognised, had chosen to have meals sent up to the apartment from the nearest restaurant.

There are only a few minutes now. You'd better have meals on the fly.

We have meals of tuna fish, instant noodle soup, baked beans.

And it is a gruesome experience to have meals at the best big - city restaurants.