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时间:2022-09-21 20:04:47 作者:学习啦 字数:2906字


Add lantern riddle game


灯谜───Lantern riddle;游戏───game


Rataplan at game beginning is the unique form of Chaoshan lantern riddle.───击鼓开猜,更是我们潮汕地区特有的 猜谜形式。

is a special word-game played by the Chinese people.───是中国特有的文字游戏。

Generally, a lantern riddle consists of three parts, namely the riddle, the hint and the answer.───灯谜一般由三部分组成,即谜面、谜目和谜底。

It was one of the earliest campus lantern riddle colleges in Chaoshan district.───她是潮汕地区最早的校园灯谜社之一。

When night fell , people is going on the street hanged sundry lantern , some of them labeled lantern riddle for pedestrians .───当夜幕降临人们走上大街街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼,有些上面还贴有灯谜供来往行人解答。

Lantern riddle quiz -- it is one kind of rich referring contemptuously cg see period, gage ring, humorous, laugh banter's literary game.───猜灯谜——它是一种富有讥谏、规戒、诙谐、笑谑的文艺游戏。


Rataplan at game beginning is the unique form of Chaoshan lantern riddle.

The lantern riddle general list, has been difficult to identify, tan immediately sent the peace hotel, but found that renegades has also been mysterious killing.

Young singles gathered around for lantern riddle quiz and matchmaking games.