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时间:2022-09-22 00:01:35 作者:学习啦 字数:2739字


Digging holes in the ground


挖洞───Dig a hole;地上───On the ground


Mr Blake: You can dig a hole there, Timmy.───布莱克先生: 蒂咪,你可以在那儿挖个坑.

To dig a hole or tunnel for habitation or refuge.───为居住或躲藏而挖洞或地道.

In this field you dig a hole and in the hole you bury a gold piece.───在这块地里挖一个洞,在洞里埋一枚金币。

Last night, I dig a hole and buried him.───昨晚, 我挖了个坑,把他埋了.

He can dig a hole and hide in the ground, and then the earth can protect him.───他可以挖一个洞,藏在地里,然后大地可以保护他。

You dig a hole on clearing, buried it to stop.───你在空地上掘个坑, 埋了它罢.

Their experience of underground work helped them dig a hole and crawl toward the entrance.───井下工作的丰富经验,使得他们开始掘洞,向矿井的出口处爬行.

Her sister wants to dig a hole in her ear.───20她妹妹很想穿耳孔.


Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and lift out a pair of Surefooted Boots.

LEWISTON — Lewiston- Porter High School officials didn't have to dig a hole through the earth to make contact with China.

Dig a hole around 12 inches deep.